How to Choose Between Over- and Under-Rolled Blinds

As you start to look at roller blinds, you'll notice that products are described as over-rolling or under-rolling. What do these terms mean? How do they affect the way the blinds will work in your home?

What's the Difference Between Over-Rolling and Under-Rolling Blinds?

All roller blinds work the same way. They have a roller tube at the top which holds the blind material. When you pull the blind down, the material spools off the tube. When you open the blind up again, the material rolls around the tube.

If you install an over-rolled blind, then the material runs down over the top of the holding tube. The tube sits hidden behind the blind. If you use an under-rolled blind, then the material feeds from the back of the tube. The tube is visible when the blind is down.

Which Type of Roller Blind Should You Choose?

Some people choose a blind rolling position based on cosmetics. For example, some people don't mind if they can see the tube at the top of the blind. After all, it is covered by the blind material, so it doesn't look that out of place. However, some people like to install an over-rolled blind for stylistic reasons. They like the look of a blind which falls straight down. They don't want to see the tube at the top.

The position of the tube on a roller blind also has some practical implications. For example, if you need a blind to shut out as much light as possible, then an under-rolling design is the best option. These blinds feed material from the back of the rolling tube. Therefore, the material sits closer to the window glass, giving you more complete coverage.

However, if you install an over-rolled blind, then the blind has a gap between the material and the glass—the tube pushes the material forward. While you get a nice straight line, this position leaves gaps through which more light can shine. The blind won't shut out as much light as it could.

Before you choose a roller blind's position, you should also take a look at the window it will cover. In some cases, you might have something on the window that affects the best position for the blind. For example, you might have a protruding key in a lock or security bars on the window.

If you do have an obstruction, then an over-rolled blind might be your best bet. This design will leave a bigger gap between the blind and the window. If you use an under-rolled blind, the material might catch on the obstruction.

To learn more, contact roller blinds suppliers.
